Thursday 26 March 2015


Food test are the method used to determine the types of nutrients presents in a food specimen. At this level we will discuss how to test carbohydrate, protein, and lipids.

This is the organic compound made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, there are three types of carbohydrates that are;
1. Monosaccharide
2. Disaccharide
3. Polysaccharide


Monosaccharide’s are also known as simple sugar. They include glucose, fructose (fruit sugar) and glucose (milk sugar).

These sugar dissolve in water to form sweet solution, they are said to be reducing sugar
The general formula of monosaccharide is (CH2O)n (where n represent the number of carbon atoms and has a value of between 3 and 6) Example the formula of glucose is C6H12O6

Disaccharides are formed when two monosaccharide molecules combine together.
Two glucose combine to form maltose. Maltose is found in germinating seed
Glucose + Glucose → Maltose
A glucose molecule and fructose molecules combine to form sucrose, the sugar found in sugarcane
Glucose + Fractose → Sucrose

A glucose molecule and a galactose molecules combine to form lactose, a sugar found in milk
Glucose + Galactose → Lactose

The process by which two monosaccharides combine to form a disaccharide is called condensation.Disaccharides are soluble in water and form  sweet solution, this is called hydrolysis
Glucose  + water      →       Glucose and glucose

Some disaccharide are reducing sugar ( for example lactose and maltose) while other are non reducing sugar (for example sucrose)

Polysaccharides are formed by condensation involving several monosaccharides.Examples of polysaccharide are starch, glycogens, cellulose and chitin

Properties of polysaccharide
  • They are insoluble in water
  • They are not sweet
  • They are non reducing sugar
  • They form suspension when put in water

Test for carbohydrate
Test for
i. Add an small amount in a clean and dry test tube
ii. Add a 2 or 3 drops of iodine solution
a. The blue black colour formed

b. the solution retained the yellowish colour of iodine solution
a. Starch are present

b Starch are absent
Reducing sugar
i. Add small  amount of specimen in a dry and clean test tube
ii. add an equal amount of benedicts solution to the solution
a. colour change from blue to green to yellow to orange

b. The solution retained the blue colour of benedicts solution
a. reducing sugar are present

b. reducing sugar are absent
Non reducing sugar
i. add small amount of specimen in a dry and clean test tube
ii. add 1 cm3 of hydrochloric acid so as to hydrolyze disaccharide to monosaccharide then heat gently
iii. add small amount of sodium hydrogen carbonate and shake the test tube
iv add 2 cm3 of benedicts solution and then boil the mixture
a. the colour change form blue to green to yellow to orange

b. the solution retained the blue colour of benedicts solutions
a. non reducing sugar are  present

b. non reducing sugar are absent

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