Wednesday 25 March 2015


They are compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Lipids are made up of fat and oil. A lipidis composed of a glycerol molecules and fatty acid joined through condensation

Properties of lipids
  • They are insoluble in water
  • They are dissolving in organic solvent such as acetones and ether
  • When you shake a mixture of oil and water ,it separates into two district layers of water and oil after some time
Test for lipids
Grease spot test

i. Rub he specimen on a piece of dry filter paper

ii. Hold the paper against the light
A translucent mark is formed
Lipids was present
Sudan III solution

i.Add the small amount of specimen in a test tube

ii Add some drops of sudan III solution
Droplets of oil turn red
Lipids are present
Emulsion test

i. Put the specimen in a test tube with an equal amount of acetone, benzene or ethyl alcohol

ii. Shake the mixture until the its clear

iii. Add  an equal volume of water
The clear solution turn cloudy, forming a milky suspension
Lipids are present

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