Friday 6 March 2015

Introduction to biology

Introduction to biology
Biology is the study of living organism. The term biology is made up by Two Greek word. 

Bio means life and logos means study.
Is the study of living thing, environment and interaction between living things and the environment
The Seven Characteristics of Living Things
1. Nutrition
All living organisms need to take substances from their environment to obtain energy, to grow and to stay healthy.

2. Movement or Locomotion
All living organisms can move from one place to another. living organisms  they can move from place to place by walking, flying or swimming.

3. Respiration
All living things exchange gases with their environment. Animals take in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. 

Excretion is the removal of metabolic waste product from the body cell of living organism. If this waste was allowed to remain in the body it could be poisonous.

Humans produce liquid waste called urine. We also excrete waste when we breathe out. All living things need to remove waste from their bodies.

When living things feed they gain energy. Some of this energy is used in growth. Living things become larger and more complicated as they grow.

The ability to detect changes in the surrounding environment .We react to touch, light, heat, cold and sound, as do other living things.

Earthworms have light-sensitive cells scattered in their outer skin. Their skin cells are also sensitive to touch and chemicals.

7. Reproduction
The ability to reproduce and pass genetic information onto their offspring.Humans make babies, cats produce kittens and pigeons lay eggs.
Plants also reproduce. Many make seeds which can germinate and grow into new plants.

There are two main branches of biology, includes
(a).Botany is the branch of biology which deals with plants such as cocoa plant, coconut tree etc.

(b).Zoology is the branch of biology which deals with animals such as cow, goat, giraffe, man etc.

Other branches of biology
1. Genetics: study of heredity

2. Virology:  is the study of virus
 3. Entomology: Study of insect

4. Anatomy: Study of the structure of organism

5. Histology: Study of tissue
6. Ecology: Study of the environment and its relationship with organism

7. Botany: Study of plant

8. Zoology: Study of plant

9. Emryology: Study of embryonic development

10.Taxanomy: study deals with classification of plant and animals

11. Bacteriology: Study of bacteria

12. Physiology : Study of biochemical process in the body

13. Microbiology: Is the Study of microorganism

14. Mycology: is the Study of fungi

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