Friday 6 March 2015


The major methods of waste management are:

 2. Composting an aerobic, biological process of degradation of biodegradable organic  matter.

1. Recycling the process of extracting resources or value from waste is generally referred to as recycling, meaning to recover or reuse the material.

3. Sewage treatment a process of treating raw sewage to produce a non-toxic liquid effluent which is discharged to rivers or sea and a semi-solid sludge, which is used as a soil amendment on land, incinerated or disposed of in land fill.

4. Incineration a process of combustion designed to recover energy and reduce the volume of waste going to disposal.

5. Landfill the deposition of waste in a specially designated area, which in modern sites consists of a pre-constructed ‘cell’ lined with an impermeable layer (man-made or natural) and with controls to minimize emissions.

 Incineration and other high temperature waste treatment systems are sometimes described as "thermal treatment". Incinerators convert waste materials into heat, gas, steam, and ash.

Why is waste disposal a problem?

Waste  disposal has become a major problem due to the following factors

1. People’s bad habits for example dumping waste on footpath or on the roadside orthrowing it from vehicles

2. Using excessive paging for example wrapping pieces of candy in two layer of 

3. The failure by cleaners in town to get rid of waste in public areas

4. Inadequate disposal facilities for example an insufficient number of waste collection
point or waste bins

5. Failure by the local authorities to enforce effective punishment to those who litter
public place to a act as warning to other offender.

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