Sunday 8 March 2015

Importance of chemistry

1. Agriculture
Agriculture is the practice of growing crop and keeping animals. Formers used many product made through chemical process to get better agriculture yield (production). The products they use include fertilizer, weed killer, pesticides, animal vaccine and processed animal feeds.

 2. Food and beverage industry
The food industry has benefited a lot from chemical processes and product. Among these processes is the preservation of foods, especially those that are canned or bottled.

3. Medicine
The field of medicine is definitely a very important one in our lives. It ensures our well-being through the prevention of illness and disease and treatment when we get sick.

4. The manufacturing industry
The manufacturing industry relies heavily on chemical and its chemical processes. This due to both the materials it uses and its product. 
 The manufacturing industry has many products for example of product are cement, plastic container, textiles, chemicals, rubber and paper.

5. Transport and communication
Fuel uses by different means of transport are produced by chemical process. The parts of the different means of transport such as car engines are and also made through chemical processes. 

Letters, newspaper and magazine are written on paper that is manufactured with the help of chemical processes as well as telephone and computers rely heavily on wires that are manufactured chemical.

6. Home care and beauty product
Home care product are used to make the home and its surroundings cleaner and more comfortable to live in. they include soaps, detergents, disinfectants, paints, air freshener and polish all these processes are made chemical 

Chemistry for professional development
Chemistry is an important subject in many careers. Chemist often get employment opportunity in for example school, hospital, universities, research centers, testing laboratory, the energy sector, pharmaceutical industries, chemical industries, food processing industries, biotechnology firms and manufacturing industries. 

This means that one can join others in respected professions to become, for example a doctor, pharmacist, chemical engineer, laboratory, technician, nurse or researcher. These skills acquired in chemistry are very valuable in such professional.

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