Sunday 8 March 2015

Mechanism of Gaseous Exchange in Mammals

Gaseous exchange in mammals occur as a result of inhalation (or inspiration) and exhalation (or expiration).

Inhalation is the breathing in air into the lungs and Exhalation is the breathing out air from the lungs.During the mechanism of gaseous exchange in mammals the following events occur:

Breathing in (inhalation)
Breathing out (exhalation)
1.The external intercostals muscles contract
The external intercostals muscles relax
2.The internal intercostals muscles relax
The internal intercostals muscles contract
3. The ribcage is lifted outward and upwards
The ribcage moves inwards and downwards
4. The diaphragm contract and flattens
The diaphragm relaxes and become dome shaped
5. the volume of the thoracic cavity increase as the pressure decrease, this allow air to enter the thoracic cavity
the volume of the thoracic cavity decrease as the pressure increase, this force air out  of the thoracic cavity
6. Air enter the alveoli through the nostril, pharynx, glottis, trachea, bronchioles and finally alveoli
Air leaves the alveoli through brancholes, trachea, glottis, pharynx and finally nostril

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