Sunday 8 March 2015

Prevention/Control of water pollution.


1.Reducing nutrient and pesticide pollution.
This can be achieved by adopting environment friendly agriculture practices. These include use of organic fertilizers (manure) and biological pest control methods.

2. Treating sewage and industrial sewage
Pollution of water by sewage can be checked by treating raw sewage adequately before releasing it into the water bodies. The treatment plants should be well maintained to ensure that they are functioning properly at all times
Waste water from industrial should be cooled and detoxified before being release into water bodies.

3. Stopping deforestation
Forests act like a sponge soaking up the rains, holding the water and filtering it before it makes its way to nearby water bodies. Clearing the forest affects this cycle. Rainwater rushes directly into stream, flowing over exposed soil and carrying sediments into nearby water bodies. Checking deforestation therefore reduce sedimentation in water bodies.

4. Controlling coastal development
Building structure (house and industries) near the shores contributes greatly to water pollution. Most of the waste from these establishments is disposed of into the nearby water body.
Government should put in places laws that prohibit the building of structure nearby water bodies.

5. Cleaning chemical pollution
Chemical pollution on land should be treated accordingly before it find its ways to the water bodies, in case of chemical spills in water bodies, appropriate measure should be taken to neutralize their effects.

Like with terrestrial pollution, appropriate laws should be put in place to control water pollution. Awareness should also be created, so that people are informed on the importance of a clean environment.

6. Reducing pollution from oil spills
The following are some of the ways that can be used to check the frequency and impact of oils spills; Enforcing the regulations that govern maintenance and inspection of commercial ships and motorboats that can leak oil and fuel into the water.

Converting oil tankers into double – hull shps. A double hull ships has two complete layer of watertight hull surface . The outer layer forms the normal hull of the ships. A second inner hull forms a protective barrier to seawater in case the outer hull is demerged and leaks.

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